Tuesday 29 November 2011

(Jessica)- Don't sit on any cold benches.

I think that title has a little something to do with the subjects in your post, to be honest. Bless you.

Well I heard from a little bird called snafu that you are poorly? Imagine my distress! I'm here, you're there and there isn't anything I can do to make you feel any better. It's like watching a kitten sneeze in a perspex box...all you can do is feel sad. *sigh*

How did your weekend go? You not being able to talk on the phone because of your illness is horrid, I don't know anything about your weekend and it's nearly Wednesday, WEDNESDAY! (Said in, "You give me headaches, HEADACHES!" voice.)

Here, here to that tradition. I love talking about Rigsby and Cho. I could talk about them until the cows come home. (Where have the cows been?) YES!! His arms are to die for, it's one of the most awesome sights, those seems. I want a man who has seems in his shirt like Cho (no matter who Dad wants me to marry). It's not mindbomb, it's a mindbomb explosion. Tick-tick-tickBOOM

I know not of any jobs for you to get any money. But, you can have my second job over Christmas, it's not much...but it's work. I'm getting a 3rd job after Christmas...yes, you heard. I'm working at the premier shop hopefully. Heaven knows when I'm getting time to live...but I'll fit it in. Money is slipping away. But I already know what I'm getting everyone for Christmas, so we can half everything, it doesn't come to too much, and I'll pay most of it. I want to do you something special for Christmas as it's our last one as twins. But I don't know what...Clues please.

Oh my, I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life reading that little tale about the Minas Tirith guy. I think I met him once, brilliant sense of humour...little dark sometimes, but funny. What's a little blood-thirsty humour between friends? Who doesn't like a decent "spiked head" joke? Seriously folks. Lighten up. It's not like he's gropey McGee for goodness sakes.

So, I had my unmentionable "appointment" at the Hospital on Monday. I was THIS close to taking my hospital gown and strangling my doctor.
Doctor: "Does this hurt?"

Me (in my head): "Oh you mean the thing that I'm here about because it hurts, that thing you're whacking around now? Does that hurt?! Let me ask you a question, if I may? Say, I pulled your brain through your nose, Egyptian style, whilst you were still conscious..would that give you a twinge of discomfort?! Hmmmm?!"

Me (out loud): "Yes."

Doctor: "Hmmm..."

Me (in my head): "Care to share that deep, and I'm sure, very intelligent thought you seem to be turning around in your head as you're still poking me? No? How 'bout that brain treatment I suggested earlier, would that tease it out of you?"

Me (out loud): *silence*(frosty style)

Doctor: "Have a pain diary, colour in the squares for each day when the pain is really bad, and half colour it in when it's still sore but not as badly and put a dot when there isn't any pain at all."

Me (in my head): "Squares? Really? I think I have progressed from squares. Don't you have something a little more festive? Like a Santa? I'll colour his suit, his hat and his boots every time I think about saying what's actually running through my head. Or maybe a Christmas tree. I promise I won't go over the lines!"

Me (out loud): "Sure."
I could have done with you in there. I probably would have laughed at the situation a little more. In reflection, I was cross and in pain...it's been better. Must be the catharsis I get from colouring.

Anyway, about your future. Go where the wind takes you Snafs. I believe in your every move. I'll also be the first person to tell you that you've screwed up, so my word is the one you can trust.

I have to go now, but I hope this finds you in better spirits.

I love you muchly Shamu, you are the most wonderful being on the planet.



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