Friday 18 November 2011

(Rachel)- In reply to your missive...

You are right, of course. We are pitiful. We often have so many great ideas... do you remember our pop group, Gemini?? It would have taken off, Jess. It would have. It could have made us millions. Having said that, I had not, at that tender age, mastered the ability to coerce you into singing with me so it had "failure" written all over it. Still...I am optimistic that if your palm reading doesn't take off in quite the way your own palms would suggest, we could be superstars yet!!

On the subject of hands, palms and life lines, I'm thrilled for you. What a wonderful talent you have discovered! Don't you bury it, will you!! I am also delighted about your 3 love lines. What excitement! It gives me such flutterings (in the words of Mrs Bennett)! It is tremendous that you are optimistic about our future. Indeed, we can sit with hot chocolates watching GG (Gilmore Girls) whilst our kids play airplanes and our husbands talk missions. What a wonderful idea! =) I look forward to it.

On the subject of husbands, when I am legally wedded to mine, you will not lose me, Fruity. I will be around just as ever. I will communicate with you every single day, we can skype each sunday and we have this blog. Our in-jokes are eternal...they will continue. Imagine the following...I will Facebook you with a simple phrase like... "He ill..." and, let the good times roll!

I suppose you'd rather like to know what's been going on with me. Since we spoke a long time ago, this morning, you can't have a very good idea of what is going on with me. I wish I had something exciting to report but, alas, the most exciting thing that has happened to me recently was our phone conversation yesterday evening which, I believe, you were present for! In which case, I will cut the rambling and refrain from filling you in on that front.

I recently watched P & P...the BBC version. It never ceases to raise a smile. Oh Jess! Do you suppose that Jane Austen realises that, with her creation of beautiful men like Fitzwilliam Darcy, Frederick Wentworth and George Knightly, she has made generations of females search high and low for their contemporary equivalents? I mean, how many women do you know who remain entirely unmoved by the Austenian hero? She has written and created the IDEAL! THE MAN! Who is your favourite? I must confess, though I love them all a ridiculous amount, George Knightly is the one, I think. I have found my George Knightly. In fact, Ieuan is a million times better than Knightly...wouldn't you agree? The Georgian era suits him very well, I think. If you were with me now, I would ask you to take a turn with me about the room for a little light exercise. It would be a welcome change from me begging you to crunch with me and I would be MUCH better company than Caroline Bingley!!!

On the subject of pretty men, I would like to address the issue of Cho and Rigsby with you. It strikes me that Kimball Cho is the modern, American version of Darcy! What do you say to that?
I saw something today that made me chuckle and think of you. It was on a love and relationships Internet forum which was part of one of the yahoo news stories. It's a column where the problems are answered by a man and a woman- both offering their opinions and advice. The question I saw was "Is it possible to fall in love with someone you don't find physically attractive?"

Part of the answer was "It's clearly possible to fall in love with the plain-looking, that's why ugliness persists in society. There just aren't enough of the fit ones to go round." HA! How amusing.

Before I end this epistle, may I just say how appalled I am with the average walking speed on campus? Thank you. Well, I am utterly APPALLED! I have had several times this week where I wish I had a horn attached to my person to enable me to *honk* the perpetrators into the next millennium. Why do I find it so vexing? I cannot answer that question but Oh how I have tried! Yet, regardless of my renewed determinations to be more patient, it just never happens. It vexes me greatly! My poor nerves! Such TREMBLINGS! People CUT in front of you and then have the AUDACITY to walk slower than you. WHY???? Why not just stand still. Stand still with a huge, neon sign saying "I will not be moved" for that would do as much good! It might even be more helpful because then people could plan their walked route around said bystanders- thus avoiding stress, anger and time spent shuffling behind the slowies. Mind you, one good thing comes from gives one a regular opportunity to break into song... "EVERYDAY I'M SHUFFLIN'..."

Anyway, dear sister, I am finished now! Take care, loin fruit. Enjoy your evening, the fish choosing ceremony..or, if your Cait (during the stick choosing ceremony of July 2011), a Choosemony. I think the names you have selected are perfect! Indeed, the name 'seaborn' prompts images of freedom, liberation and large bodies of water. Exactly what a captivated fish would want to dream about. (I refer you to the fish tank in an Australian dentists in Finding Nemo).

Have fun with Daddy. I miss him a lot. I told him this the other day and what did he say in response? "Pick your face up." I endeavour to not leave it dragging along the ground in future. I have a doctors appointment next week- It's nothing major...that's what you get folks, for... That's right. You got it.

Anyway, I really am going now. I love you so much, Jebs. Thanks for being amazing.

Reply, or better, be with me.


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