Friday 1 February 2013

(Rachel) "That's a pretty colour! What is it?" "It's called Vicious Trollop"

Such an apt title for a post about mine and Ieuan's makeover/photoshoot experience.

So...Monday morning rolls around and we are excited! It's set to be a VIP day of luxury and excitement. An easy morning, packing a lovely picnic and filling our new MP3 player with exciting songs for our journey. Then, at midday we set off, with all the hope and giddiness of a child going to the zoo for the first time! First stop was the outlet centre- Clarks Village. I was especially excited for this because, as it was Birthday week, I was fully prepared to snag some delightful bargains in the name of Birthday Treats! When we arrived, mizzle was falling. Mizzle is a word which here means 'miserable drizzle'. A phrase coined by my husband, which perfectly describes that feeling when you look out of the car window and desperately hope that you aren't the one who is designated pay and display sorter-outer. You know? Anyway, the Mizzle wasn't a positive start. Our first stop was Starbucks for a warming hot chocolate. It was gross. Ieuan thinks it's because I had gum in my mouth at the time (a habit which I should probably get out of), but I beg to differ. It was un-sugared and un-milked and had that bitter but authentic taste of Mayan cocoa-beans. You know? You know. So...that was that. In the end, Ieuan and I struck a deal. In order to finish our not-very-nice hot choc, for each gulp I had, he would be brave and have 3. Soon, the thick, almost black dregs were sludging around in the bottom of the mug and we left for, hopefully, a more refreshing experience in the shops. Dodging the cold mizzle, we darted into the shop we wanted to spend the most time in. Fatface. After about 5 minutes in fatface, I began to feel like that child who's at the zoo for the first time, who's travelled for ages to get there but, on arrival, discovers the African animals section is closed and she has to content herself with the rabbits and guinea pigs. You know??? Unfortunately, the magic sale fairy forgot to wave the wand over Fatface. Though things were cheaper than in the normal shop, they were not cheap enough for us. We left with our tails between our legs. Ever optimistic me was soon excited for the next shop....and the next shop....and the next shop....we saw odd bits in odd shops but never really anything that made one Oooh and Ahhh.
Things did eventually work out for us. I got a lovely skirt from M&S for £5, a pair of skinny jeans in GAP for £6.99 and a new coat from Next for £17. Bargains! Ieuan got a couple of lovely tops from Next too. Very manly indeed. So, we were satisfied (I was rather pleased) but, on the whole, not entirely as incredible as we've experienceD before at outlet malls.

Next was our journey to our complimentary makeover/photoshoot. We were running about 20 minutes late which wasn't a good start. When we arrived, we hurriedly filled in some forms, and then I was whisked over to make-up. On the form, I had said that I would like to achieve a look somewhere between natural and smokey. The makeup artist was a lovely lady and we talked about all sorts- including church!! (And before you say it, she brought it up, not me. Being married young makes people wonder whether you are religious....) During the makeup experience, I specified that I didn't want to look dramatic- just like normal. "I normally wear creams and browns and not too much of it. I wear a very light, gentle foundation  too." "I'll put you in those same colours again then". Says she. Famous last words.

After shooting the breeze with this woman, she asks me if I am ready to see the new me. I am rather excited by this point! The chair goes up and....BAM!!! I felt like Fran from Asda. A man in drag. It's any wonder I could lift my eyes to the heavens to ask "why" this had happened to me...My eyes looked so heavy, I am surprise my eyelids didn't just refuse to open. "Do you like it?"
"Wow." Says I.
"YES!! My 4th WOW today!" Says she.
Of course, I didn't exactly mean "Wow! You've changed my life- I look incredible. Can I hire you to do my makeup every day" Wow. I meant "Wow. This is new. I look like a man." That kind of Wow. But I couldn't put my finger on what made me look so strange! I looked at the eye-shadow. Heavy, but lovely. The eye-liner was a bit heavier than normal but not so much. The foundation was a bit much and the was probably the lips. Waaaayyy too pink. I asked her to tone them down, which she did, but I still looked awful. In hindsight, I realise that the dark smudges she'd put under my bottom eye-lashes made me look like I was having withdrawals from something with questionable legality and the darkened eye-brows didn't do me any favours either. But, I didn't think of that at the time and so, I rolled with the punches, as it were. (Or at least, I certainly looked like I had been punched. It wasn't that bad....but seriously...) She explained to me that things had to be dark because of the lighting in the photos etc...So, who was I to argue!!

Then came the next blow. I had already done my hair before I came. My neat little curly bob was very curly and my fringe was straight. It could have been straighter, I suppose but my hair could not have been any curlier. Or so I thought. THEN, she whips out the curling wand. "I'm just going to put a couple of curls in the front like mine". At first, I thought she meant that she was going to give me some fantastic up-do with a couple of curls left in the front. Not so. She re-curled 2 already curly curls, which were now even shorter and, thus, made my hair bigger. Then, she crossed a line. She mussed my curls. In all my life, I have been wary of people touching my hair and this is why. On my head, my volatile little head, the mussed look doesn't work. Mussed look + Rache's hair= Frizz, frizz and more frizz. Thankfully, she stopped the mussing before too much damage was done. She called Ieuan in next and proceeded to work on his hair and give his face a moisturising and a powder. Then, we were ready!

We went down to the studio and had quite a nice time- some fun shots, some glamorous shots, some shots with a big fan!! It was fun and we enjoyed it. It was over quite quickly though and I felt like my makeover had taken much longer. Still, I was pretty jazzed about seeing our photos. We waited for about 20 minutes while they edited the prints (they said it would be 20 mins so after 10, I wasn't especially reassured- not when you take days!) They ushered us into a small room with a huge apple monitor. They darkened the lights and played some music and we watched the slideshow of the images. There were some really lovely ones and already I could feel the pressure to choose just one for our complimentary image. We were fixed in our minds with a determined resolution that we were only going to take our complimentary image. We even bought them a box of Milk Tray to soften the blow!! I'm serious! So as we were looking through the photos, there were some I loved and some I thought "My face is too chubby, I look like a man in drag and the lighting hasn't softened my eyebrows or my lipstick at all." So it was a mixed bag of goods really. But I was excited because we had some photos we loved. Then she sat us down and explained the pricing. £60 for a 5x7, £70 for a 6x9 and £80 for a 8x10. OR, £85 for one image on a disc, including all the copyrights to that image. OR £550 for the lot on a USB. We could definitely rule THAT one out. We decided that we would get one on a disc and pay the £25 on top of our complimentary £60 voucher. In the end, we couldn't choose between a photo of Ieuan and I in green jumpers cuddling, or a one of us lying on our fronts in our Rugby shirts. So, we decided we'd pay a bit extra and get 2 prints. We shook hands with the lady, paid our money and left.

It was only on the journey home as we talked that our optimism about the experience slowly morphed into a dramatic realism that made us realise what had happened and what we'd done. We'd given up our deposit towards a second print. That meant....*imagine a lightbulb slowly coming on*....that meant....we'd spent not £40 but.....£70. £70. Seventy Pounds. Seventy Pounds on a photo that, even though it contains our bodies, we do not have the copyright for and so it will always be a 7x5 that no one else will see unless they are acutally in our house. It will never be the canvas we hoped it would be for the bedroom wall. It will never, ever be anything but a tiny photo that cost us £70. Not only did that realisation hit us, but I also realised exactly who my madeover self reminded myself of...


So, friend. That was our day. When we came home, we stopped at McDonalds and laughed about our predicament. The Happy meal didn't make me happier, though. Now that a few days have come between my Makeover horror where I felt like I was wearing a makeup ensemble that may well have been nicknamed "vicious trollop", I can now honestly say, we are looking forward to receiving our prints in 3-5 weeks. (£70 is not enough to secure fast delivery, you see). They were lovely and will be lovely! The shoot itself was fun and it will be nice to have a 7x5 and a 6x9 reminder of that event to hang on to forever!! =)

All my love,


P.S. We SO didn't give them the Milk Tray. We partied up on that when we got home. It was a consolation gift to ourselves. =)

Tuesday 29 January 2013

(Jessica) " 'Is it raining?' 'No. It's national baptism day..' "

Hello Waffle,

SO....You'll never guess the morning I've had. Nope. No guessing, so I shall tell you. I shove a £20 note into my back pocket on my run for the bus, the bus I manage missing, and reach into my back pocket for the twenty and find that it's disappeared, en route I suspect.I finally got on the bus to greet the world's slowest driver...I could walk on my little fingers faster than that bus was going. I finally made the judgement call to take a cab from the city (I secretly had the 'Sherlock' serial killer taxi episode in my head as I got in...). But the guy was nice enough and said to me as I got in, "In a hurry miss?". Which made me smile as I felt almost regal...I felt like a little Miss Bennett travelling to Pemberley. In short, fate steals £20 notes from your back pockets, makes you late and gives you a decrepit bus driver just because she can. Then, she throws you a bone...and calls you Miss.

So as part of my job I have to see foreign students on a regular basis, on average we meet 480 a session. Lots of people. We have to take down and update their contact details. So it was during this interaction that I asked a student for his number...and he hands me his mobile to take down his number and as my hand holds his phone..*exhale dramatically*..he holds my hand.Picture this if you will: Phone, my hand holding phone, his hand holding both. My hand was a hostage, a hand hostage. It was the filling in an awkward hand sandwich!  I stared at the mess of hands in complete disbelief for a little while, looked at him, back at the hands and tried to subtly shake his hand off. Then not so subtly shake his hand off...I guess he thought I was having a fit because he gave me the most confused look. Eventually it dawned on me that the faster I took the number, the quicker my hand would be released from this madman. What's with people? Don't they know?! In England that is not okay behavior. I don't know whether England is an uptight private culture naturally or if it is just how I am. But it is now a new chapter in my book: "Culture tips 101". Chapter 3: When entering a society that you are poorly informed on, it is best to not touch any hands that don't belong to you. Why do things like this always happen to me? People always get involved in my space. Is it just me? I'm to face tattoo...and by face tattoo I mean...

I am a thoughtful guy, I think about a lot of things...I am a thoughtful guy, I think a lot of thoughts about a lot of things- Have you ever thought about where your life would be if you left 10 minutes early to the activity where you met Ieu....what would you be doing now? Our lives would both be REALLY different. Food for thought.

Oh dear dear Shams, I am deeply sorry that you find yourself in the middle of the weight loss pool. But may I be the first to say ...*hits lights and shines torch under face*... "Welcome". Weight loss is a joyful and rewarding process...when it's opposite day and you're in a room full of clown mirrors that make you look like a string bean. Oh my sweet'd eat oaty pillows, which had a closer likeness to cardboard than a breakfast cereal, just to sacrifice 4 calories and reduced sugar content?! Those 4 calories are to stop you from running across the room with your tongue on the carpet, like a lawnmower. The true secret to dieting is not to deny yourself 4 calories worth of taste. But take heart friend, the slower you loose weight the slower you put it on...or so I'm told.

What you had to say about Trowbrige's strange mix of beings made me laugh. What kind of person dye's a dog's hair? Someone with either a youtube account...or no freeview tv. I've been strange beings, every time I travel past Anglia Square. There is a shop down there called, "Aladdin's Cave". It has a beautiful oak vanity set in the window...with a cage and a stuffed snake resting on the top. Never a lack of entertainment. I also saw a guy that looked like the Hippie troubadour from GG down in Anglia Sq. Felt like whistling him a little tune about working in a Kinkos...or growing your own veg. Sweet guy.

I am truly (not really all that) sorry for the voicemail I just left. I knew I saw that actress somewhere and it suddenly came to me. I had to share this glorious moment, moment of gloryment if you will, with someone. 1:00am in the morning or not. You love it really loin fruit, fruit that you are.WWTBFCD?? She would love it. I would have called her but alas, we don't keep in contact since the night terror episode of '04. I digress...

I have to journey to the land of nod...nod here being sleep and not the "you can leave your hat on" nod. 

Don't be like that, wipe the brazzlefrat and bendelschnitz expression off your face.

I love you Montgom.
Say hello to M.L for me....or beardy monroe...either. xxx

P.s. “Hey, did anyone ever think that maybe Sylvia Plath wasn’t crazy. She was just cold!"

Sunday 27 January 2013

"Well, Taylor, I'm a 2 inch kinda guy."

An inch is a deceptive amount, you know. Whenever I watch these weight loss programmes, and they announce that someone has lost an inch off their waist, jaws drop, gasps are heard and tears spring to the eyes.
"PAH!" I think. "1 inch?! Are they for real?!"
Now I am in the whole weight loss zone and, if I'm honest, an inch might be a pretty nice amount to come off  my waist! I've not really been measuring inches, etc. Just weight and at 9.8 1/2, I feel pretty good about myself. I made a break through with Special K though. Indeed, I broke through the Special K barrier!! I went shopping at Tesco to replenish my cereal stock. I dashed there because Special K was on offer and I wanted to stock up before the offer ends. What did I discover?? I could get the same amount of similar but healthier flakes for less money!! That's right. 4 calories less, much less sugar and saturated fat per bowl! I also found a big box of Quaker's oat pillows- 99p for a huge box! Also healthier than a bowl of Special K. That means the precious little calories I save I get to re-distribute to more exciting lunches. For example, Melba Toast. Melba toast is like a thin, long slice of crouton. Delicious and...crunchy. BUT, with 12.8 calories a slice, I can have Cheese, Marmite, a little cream cheese on them and it makes a lovely light lunch!
Couple those delicious delicacies with some pilates or some yoga and you have a healthy little Rachie. Just want you always wanted, I know. =)

Trowbridge is the home of a wonderful, eclectic mix of beings. I say beings because not all of the eclectic mix are human. The other day, for example, I saw one of those skinny, wretched looking dogs with the whisps of long hair on its head and tail. That is not abnormal, I am sure. BUT, The long white hair on the head was dyed an aqua like green and tied up in 2 bunches. It took me a while to process exactly what I had just seen. 3 months in Trowbridge and you learn simply not to look twice.

One wonderful thing about our lives here is about our Home Teachers. They are 2 very different people. One who's Ex-Army and into guns and the other who is very mild, quiet and into films and sports, I believe. They are THE most diligent home teachers I have ever had (next to Steve Butcher). They are lovely and caring but they are so funny. One of them gets talking about the army and the other looks at me with raised eyebrows as the technological terms fly, with considerable speed, waaayyy over our head. When roles are reversed and we're talking about rugby, the other is silent. Until....the topic of westerns was broached. I have never, ever heard of a spaghetti western before in my life.

Definition: spa·ghet·ti west·ern
A western movie made cheaply in Europe by an Italian director.

This I learnt after a mildly heated discussion ensued between our wonderful Hometeachers about what defined it and whether a specific movie title would be considered a spaghetti western or not. It was not long after the silence that followed that I said, in unison with the more quiet of the two....", the message?"

I have a busy couple of months ahead with some new training programmes the museum are launching for their treasured volunteers. I get on very well with the volunteer coordinator and just happened to drop in there that I teach history workshops to children and if she ever needed any help with the education side of the museum, she need only ask! She was delighted. The funniest thing though was that she had already pre-scheduled the talks and training I was to come to because my friend Penny was on them. Now I told you about Penny before but...having watched Miranda, I can now, 100% wholeheartedly say she both looks and is like Penny, Miranda's mother. It's actually uncanny. She's so funny and I am excited to be back at the museum with her!

Anyway, please await part 2 after our VIP couples make over session at the photo studio doubt THAT will present some serious material! X