Friday 1 May 2015

(Rachel) My life is like the hokey cokey: “…and you shake it all about”

This is what I thought when I was exercising this morning. Now, I am not going to make this post about all the weight that I don’t have because…we all hate THAT guy. But, what I will say, is that I am not the most toned person in the world…no one will be bouncing quarters off of my stomach. As such, I do notice, especially when doing Zumba with Isaac (he’s a real pro, that boy), when my shaking movements of my body are disproportionately vigorous to the efforts I’m putting in, if you know what I mean. Like…you do a little shimmy and your tummy or thighs are still shimmying 10 minutes later, of their own accord. You know?
As I was doing said Zumba, I allowed my mind to wander back to all the dancing we used to do together. I’m no Darcey Bussell but, you know, we could move, right? I’m not imagining that. Well, all of that ability has left me. I was showing my Young Women the music video Jess Carr and I made at university. We looked pretty good. Yet, somehow, having a baby has made me incapable of dancing. In fact, I’m pretty sure that the hokey cokey is all I CAN do.

At this point, I was going to bring in my awesome analogy but perhaps I will wait for another day.

On the subject of exercise, the other week, I went to the church’s annual football and netball competition. Now, I am no netballer. I have recently become friends on facebook with one of my high school PE Teachers, which is great but…when I was playing netball, I couldn’t help but see her in my mind’s eye teaching us how to pivot...brought back A LOT of memories about how awful I was! Anyway. I wish I had a photo to show you of the clothes I wore to this thing. I wore a dusky pink t shirt and my super baggy, navy, mens Washington DC tracksuit bottoms. I actually left the house feeling pretty sporty. I am only 24 years old, but since I was last at a sport event, sport fashion has changed a lot. Upon my arrival, I realised that I had clearly missed the memo about cropped lycra capri things. It seemed like every peer of mine was wearing these things. And all of them looked convincingly athletic and gorgeous. You can imagine how I felt in men’s tracksuit bottoms, can’t you.

When we came home, I said to Ieuan “Did I look hideous in my clothes today?” He said “You could never look hideous. Your tracksuit bottoms were a bit frumpy though.” (poor things) I love my husband because he does not flatter me by telling my falsehoods. He flatters me by understanding my point of view. He knew exactly what I meant! So. Armed with this knowledge, I am determined to get me some of these, So that, next time someone flings me out of my comfort zone and into the shooting zone of the netball court, I can at least look cute.

Another word or two on netball. I was Goal Shooter, because, usually, I am a pretty good shot. My hand-eye coordination is pretty good, you know? Anyway. I was TERRIBLE. At one point, the umpire (who, incidentally, was also sporting these lycra capris) told me to take my time shooting. I thought I had suddenly misunderstood the rules. “Don’t you have 3 seconds to shoot once you have the ball” I asked a team mate. “Yup”, came the reply. TAKE YOUR TIME?? Was she JOKING??
In short. Netball isn’t really my scene. I can do a bit of tennis for fun. I can shoot some hoops for fun. You know, I’m actually pretty good at kicking a rugby ball too. Leigh Halfpenny might even be a teeny bit impressed.  At school, the thing I was best at was softball or rounders. I could hit it and I could catch. But, I have decided that if it’s for anything more serious than fun, move along, cos I ain’t your girl.

I’ve written the following song about my recent sporting endeavours and how I feel about the impeachment of tracksuit bottoms.

“Because you know, It’s all about capris, bout capris,
No Trackies. It’s all about capris, bout capris, no trackies.
It’s all about capris, bout capris, no trackies, it’s all about capris.

Yeah, it’s pretty clear, Mine aren’t the same as you
But I can pivot pivot, like I’m supposed to do.
I’ve got that netball that all the girls chase, and all wrong clothes in all the wrong places.
You see these pretty girls, working that capris look? We all know that ain’t real, come on now make it stop. If you want sporty sporty, let’s raise it up cos every inch of you is perfect from your trackies to your top.

Yeah, the Umpire, she told me when shooting to “take your time”.
(If three seconds is ages then life is a pantomime)
You know I won’t be no lycra-clad Olympic athlete
But I’d like for my trackies to not be so obsolete.

Because you know, It’s all about capris, bout capris,
No Trackies. It’s all about capris, bout capris, no trackies.
It’s all about capris, bout capris, no trackies, it’s all about capris.

I’m bringing trackies BACK!
Go ahead and tell those skinny capris that…
Although I’m playing, I am NOT all that,
And I’m here to tell you every skill of yours is perfect from your pivot to your shot.

Yeah, the Umpire, she told me when shooting to “take your time”.
(If three seconds is ages then life is a pantomime)
You know I won’t be no lycra-clad Olympic athlete
But I’d like for my trackies to not be so obsolete.

Because you know, It’s all about capris, bout capris,
No Trackies. It’s all about capris, bout capris, no trackies.

It’s all about capris, bout capris, no trackies, it’s all about capris.”

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